Meeting will be held in the Chapel
January 16, 2025
10:00 a.m.
1. Citizen Input.
2. Approval of Board Meeting Minutes of
November 21, 2024.
3. Discussion and approval of the expenses for the months of November & December, 2024.
4. Secretary’s Report.
5. Report from the Maintenance Supervisor regarding buildings, grounds and equipment.
6. Old Business: Update on Avenue of the Flags
Update on security system
7. New Business: New phone service & possible internet
Discussion regarding 2025/26 Budget
that will need to be addressed at the
March meeting finalized at May meeting
8. Closed Session.
Meeting will be held in the Chapel
January 16, 2025
10:00 a.m.
1. Citizen Input.
2. Approval of Board Meeting Minutes of
November 21, 2024.
3. Discussion and approval of the expenses for the months of November & December, 2024.
4. Secretary’s Report.
5. Report from the Maintenance Supervisor regarding buildings, grounds and equipment.
6. Old Business: Update on Avenue of the Flags
Update on security system
7. New Business: New phone service & possible internet
Discussion regarding 2025/26 Budget
that will need to be addressed at the
March meeting finalized at May meeting
8. Closed Session.
November 21, 2024
The Hartley Cemetery District Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 10:11 a.m. by Nancy Hudson, Chairman of the Board. Larry Caravario moved that the September 12, 2024 minutes be approved as presented. Marcia Wells seconded the motion, motion carried. Marcia Wells moved that the expenditures for the months of September and October, 2024 be approved as presented. Larry Caravario seconded the motion, motion carried. As of October 31, 2024 the cash in the County Treasury is $262,975.63, Endowment Care Fund is $260,133.33 and the Endowment Care Interest is $167,796.50.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Nancy Hudson, Larry Caravario and Marcia Wells
MEMBERS ABSENT: Shirley Templeton and Jeanette Kemp
Judie reported she is currently caught up. She met with Zach Pehling the auditor in Reno on Saturday and turned over all the information for the 22/23 and 23/24 year end audit. He is in hopes of having everything finished and returned to us by the end of the year. Judie informed the Board that the check dates for December would be the 5th and the 19th due to the county holiday closure schedule. There may need to be some additional checks depending on anything unforeseen that happens in the next month, as well as the outcome of the security system changes.
Judie informed Nancy that her term was ending on 1/1/2025 and asked that she go to the courthouse and fill out her paperwork so she can be reappointed to the Board.
Regarding health insurance, Judie said her Medicare and supplemental plan were increasing in the amount of $42.76 for 2025. Mickey and Kory’s health premiums increased $38 this year so all in all the insurance did not skyrocket as expected. Larry Caravario moved that she increase her salary to cover the additional cost of insurance. Marcia Wells seconded the motion, motion carried.
A report was given by the Maintenance Supervisor, Mickey, that business thankfully has picked up but is still not great. A lot of equipment maintenance as well as grounds maintenance was being done as winter sets in. Mickey reported when he turned the heater on today it was acting up again so he is going to put in another call to Henry Repair and get his input. He will keep Judie posted on the progress.
OLD BUSINESS: Regarding the Avenue of the Flags, Larry reported that he had been in touch with Mike Dean and he is working on establishing a 501C in order to get donations to help with funding the project. Ginny Craven is also working on getting the cemetery some volunteers to help with setting the flags up. Larry will keep us updated on the progress.
NEW BUSINESS: Jeanette was unable to make the meeting as she was not comfortable driving in the weather. She will stop by soon in order to sign the letter of resignation that Judie prepared for her. The Board and the employees of the Hartley Cemetery District wish to thank her for her years of service and wish her well.
Regarding AT&T, the plan that was renewed recently, has an increase per line from $120 to $180 per line. Kory and Mickey have been researching other options on phone, security and internet services in our area. Mediacom was hopeful until they told us it would be a cost of $5000 to drop a pole in order to service us. It appears at this time the best alternative for security is a wireless system through Deep Valley Security. They are based out of Ukiah but have local technicians in the area to service us. After a lengthy discussion the Board has requested that we get an itemized estimate so we understand exactly what we are getting. Larry Caravario motioned that the project move forward If the new estimate is satisfactory to the Board. Marcia Wells seconded the motion, motion carried. If accepted, Nancy will sign the contracts and Judie will be in contact with the office in Ukiah regarding payment. Once the system is in place and up and running, the second AT&T line that supports the security system will be cancelled. At that point we will look into a wireless phone system and possible internet.
Marcia Wells moved the meeting be adjourned. Larry Caravario seconded the motion, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:48 a.m. The next Board Meeting will be held on January 16, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. in the Cemetery Chapel.
November 21, 2024
The Hartley Cemetery District Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 10:11 a.m. by Nancy Hudson, Chairman of the Board. Larry Caravario moved that the September 12, 2024 minutes be approved as presented. Marcia Wells seconded the motion, motion carried. Marcia Wells moved that the expenditures for the months of September and October, 2024 be approved as presented. Larry Caravario seconded the motion, motion carried. As of October 31, 2024 the cash in the County Treasury is $262,975.63, Endowment Care Fund is $260,133.33 and the Endowment Care Interest is $167,796.50.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Nancy Hudson, Larry Caravario and Marcia Wells
MEMBERS ABSENT: Shirley Templeton and Jeanette Kemp
Judie reported she is currently caught up. She met with Zach Pehling the auditor in Reno on Saturday and turned over all the information for the 22/23 and 23/24 year end audit. He is in hopes of having everything finished and returned to us by the end of the year. Judie informed the Board that the check dates for December would be the 5th and the 19th due to the county holiday closure schedule. There may need to be some additional checks depending on anything unforeseen that happens in the next month, as well as the outcome of the security system changes.
Judie informed Nancy that her term was ending on 1/1/2025 and asked that she go to the courthouse and fill out her paperwork so she can be reappointed to the Board.
Regarding health insurance, Judie said her Medicare and supplemental plan were increasing in the amount of $42.76 for 2025. Mickey and Kory’s health premiums increased $38 this year so all in all the insurance did not skyrocket as expected. Larry Caravario moved that she increase her salary to cover the additional cost of insurance. Marcia Wells seconded the motion, motion carried.
A report was given by the Maintenance Supervisor, Mickey, that business thankfully has picked up but is still not great. A lot of equipment maintenance as well as grounds maintenance was being done as winter sets in. Mickey reported when he turned the heater on today it was acting up again so he is going to put in another call to Henry Repair and get his input. He will keep Judie posted on the progress.
OLD BUSINESS: Regarding the Avenue of the Flags, Larry reported that he had been in touch with Mike Dean and he is working on establishing a 501C in order to get donations to help with funding the project. Ginny Craven is also working on getting the cemetery some volunteers to help with setting the flags up. Larry will keep us updated on the progress.
NEW BUSINESS: Jeanette was unable to make the meeting as she was not comfortable driving in the weather. She will stop by soon in order to sign the letter of resignation that Judie prepared for her. The Board and the employees of the Hartley Cemetery District wish to thank her for her years of service and wish her well.
Regarding AT&T, the plan that was renewed recently, has an increase per line from $120 to $180 per line. Kory and Mickey have been researching other options on phone, security and internet services in our area. Mediacom was hopeful until they told us it would be a cost of $5000 to drop a pole in order to service us. It appears at this time the best alternative for security is a wireless system through Deep Valley Security. They are based out of Ukiah but have local technicians in the area to service us. After a lengthy discussion the Board has requested that we get an itemized estimate so we understand exactly what we are getting. Larry Caravario motioned that the project move forward If the new estimate is satisfactory to the Board. Marcia Wells seconded the motion, motion carried. If accepted, Nancy will sign the contracts and Judie will be in contact with the office in Ukiah regarding payment. Once the system is in place and up and running, the second AT&T line that supports the security system will be cancelled. At that point we will look into a wireless phone system and possible internet.
Marcia Wells moved the meeting be adjourned. Larry Caravario seconded the motion, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:48 a.m. The next Board Meeting will be held on January 16, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. in the Cemetery Chapel.